Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How Things Change


It was familiar when we were younger.

Sundays were different to other days,

We’d dress a little nicer, were told to speak

A little kinder, and we’d gather

In a building made of stone and history.

The old were grateful for the young,

The noise of children a reminder

That time was once without limits,

That coloured glass made stories brighter,

That tradition would be continued.

Or so they hoped.

I was around thirteen when I decided

That I was wiser than it all.

Doubt came with the realisation

That it mattered not whether the door was left open at night,

And thoughts became something to fear.

The sky high pillars, the long white robes,

The book with too many words to ever read

No longer held all the answers.

We went back today.

It wasn’t intended, the sound of a band

Rang out, so we stood at the gates and watched

For a while through the open doors.

Let’s go inside for a minute, why not?

The smell was exactly the same-

Musty, wooden, the smell of age.

Different faces, different daffodils, different walls,

Yet that scent- identical.

And all around they sat, as we did,

All those years ago.

With ears still fresh enough

To believe every word.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Nine Came and Passed

Uneaten sausage and mash.
That was the trigger this time,
That was all it took and then it happens again,
Like lights switched off in a building at night
One empty room at a time;
All except a single bulb that flickers and fights against itself
Thinking over and over sausage and mash,
Cooked just right for once, the potatoes creamy,
Sausages browned and steaming,
Onion gravy made almost perfectly for the first time ever.
I never left the kitchen, a wooden spoon fixed in my hand,
Stirring constantly for fear of leaving the pans alone;
Plated good enough for a restaurant.
But nine came and passed and it went cold, stayed uneaten.
So much emphasis placed on that meal of sausage and mash, and why?
Is this what it’s come down to?
A day later that bulb still flicks on and off, still battles.
Angry, bitter, that it was the only one to care about
That little plate of sausage and mash while the rest of the world
Lives out a life of importance.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Mess

Night has returned.

The day I missed,

Spent hours with eyes closed,

Limbs wrapped in sheets that never were

To remain fresh for long.

And, still, I want time to pass.

The hum of the freezer lulls the minutes,

A sagging balloon scratches another,

Movement geared from nowhere.

The dishes are stacked,

The pillows askew,

A carpet of crumbs needs cleaning.

Not today.

The remnants of yesterday, the day before,

And the one before that,

Can stay for a while.

Maybe I’ll move on tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

They Held Hands

They didn’t know.

The world had been blue one minute, the brightest kind,

And everyone else saw it also.

They may as well have been holding hands.

It was humanity at its best.

But the balance was tipped, as it always is, sooner or later, and

Like the oncoming of a dreaded date the link was broken.

The worst thing was it wasn’t through accident, or mistake,

But by a parent? A child, a brother?

Just like that, the blue was uglied to a dirty grey and

Confusion swam alongside fear.

They didn’t know,

They didn’t know why.

Still though, they held hands.

Monday, April 15, 2013



The sunset looks pretty today;
Closing golden arms around a landscape hushed by evening,
Running pink fingertips over houses made home
By families, couples, the elderly, by one.
The hum of the washing machine cleans clothes dirtied by living;
Run the iron over creases, hang the shirt for work tomorrow,
Spread butter right to the edges, we might not notice,
But we’ll know.
So many hours spent between our windows of reality.
Outside, above, far away,
The clouds pass by too quickly.

Sunday, April 14, 2013



We all have something, don’t we.
It doesn’t matter how many walls we put up
There’ll always be one that crumbles,
And the strength to piece it back together
Too great.
We’ll tell ourselves, it doesn’t really matter.
The hours of today will wind down
Then tomorrow will be different, if not then,
The next day, the next week, or let’s forget
Life is what you make it.
The pound signs? It’s all show.
Health warnings? We should consider…
But it’s not, we won’t, because it doesn’t matter…
Not really?

So long as I have you and you have me,
The rest will sort itself….

And so we tell ourselves.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Eternal Home

God's eternal nature is contrasted with peoples frailty. Our time on earth is limited and we are to use it wisely, not living for the moment, but with our eternal home in mind. We take a lot of things for granite in life, we live each day without a care for tomorrow. We put our efforts into "stuff", how much "stuff" can we attain and how much "stuff" can we accomplish. We want, want, want for the now, now, now. We just live for the moment. Yes, I am sure that we sometimes think of our eternity and where we will spend it, but do we take the road to make sure that God has a stronghold in our life? There are passions that we have, for some it is facebook, hours of tweeting, sports that we cant get enough of, attaining mass wealth, shopping, what ever our crutch is, we lean on it way to much. Again, we live for the now. We can only take our souls with us when we die, nothing else matters. We need to pray for wisdom so that we may live more wisely, to open our eyes and look upon eternity with a new luster, to desire our eternal home and not on the things of this earth. David said, "create in me a clean heart oh God, and renew a right spirit within me". He was a man after the things of God, let us learn a lesson from David, lets get new priorities, lets seek God and our eternal home.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Smile, Smile, Smile

Did you know it takes almost double the muscles to frown than it does to smile? Yet, you see most of society walking arounf with frowns on their faces, why? Well, that could be for any number of reasons, people have a plethora of issues in their life that could cause a negative twist in their faces. But we can actively change that, when you come into eye contact with someone simply give them a smile and I bet they will give you one back. A smile lightens the mood, gives others a warm feeling, and you know that a smile can actually change someones day. There was this guy who was actually on his way to commit suicide, he went into a church to see if he could get any last minute comfort. Well, this man was homeless and he wasnt dressed for your normal church cwowd but decided to go in anyways. After a few minutes of being there someone came up to him greeted him with a smile and welcomed him. The man smiled back and said "thank you, that smile just brightened up my day, you dont know what that means to me, I was on my way to commit suicide and your smile has changed my mind". You see, we never know who we come in contact with, and you never know what kind of impact you are going to have on someones life. Its a simple smile folks, thats all, so keep that in mind the next time you come into eye contact with someone.............Just smile. :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Love is a strong 4 letter word, some people have a lot and some people have very little. If you look up the definition in the dictionary youll get the worldly view on in, if you look it up in the Bible you will get the heavenly version, both have a lot of merit to them. Some people take love seriously and others toss it around like a hot potatoe, dropping it, stepping on it, and having no requard for it whatsoever. People in marriage start out with a healthy dose of love ,then for some reason it seems to smolder down and turn to ashes. Love is a funny thing, a outlandish emotion and action that seems to have lost its meaning within society as a whole. Love seems to have found its way into a click, only to be displayed to a select few while others suffer by the wayside. What has happened to us as a people, what has happened to a simple commandment that was bestowed upon us centuries ago? Love seems to be more prevelant during certain holidays as it comes out from within the catacombs of peoples souls, then soon dissapears. What we need to do is rekindle the fire and bring love back to this world, love back to each other, and I am not just talking about people you like, im mostly talking about loving people you dont like, people you dont even know. Peoples attitude is reflected on how we treat them, and we need to treat them with more love. Love your neighbor as yourself is a powerful statement, and we need to take it seriously. Love is contagious and can be engulfed with a little spark. So next time someone treats you with ill will, just show them love, next time you are feeling down think of the love of Jesus, love conqures all my friends and it is the gateway to happieness, feel the love, but most of all, show the love.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Missionary to follow.

I have recently  met a missionary from Nicaragua by the name of Jed Brien, he has recently come to the states with his troupe of 15 youth to minister to communities with their powerful message and their artistic dance crew. I had a chance to go out to lunch with them yesterday. I learned quite a bit on their vision and some of the struggles that they have faced along the way. I only wish I had more time with them cause I had so many questions to ask and they were so intrigueing. I am however saddened by the state of mind that some of the people in nicuragua are in and some of the calamities that these young adults have gone through. It is amazing how they have overcome adversity, and their hearts are now on fire and their faith is rekindled. It is not until you hear some of the storys that you realize how lucky we are and how blessed we can be. I sat through two performances of this tricked out dance crew and was blown away by the raw talent that was displayed before me. Jed and his group will be traveling from community to community, from church to church displaying the love of Christ and emitting it to all the people that they come in contact with. They are stepping out completely in faith that God will provide for all their needs. They have a powerful message and some great storys to tell along the way.

Follow Jeds Blog at,